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Corporate Logos and Brand Marks on Office Walls Help Create Brand Recognition

When you visit a business office, any office for any business, you typically see a business logo or brand mark on the door or the wall. Some are big. Others are small. But more often than not, a business office has some form of brand or logo mark adorning some feature in their office spaces. The reason for this is simple to understand: corporate logos and brand marks on office walls help create brand recognition.

Logos and brand marks are part of company identity. If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you’ve already created an identity to which your customers, clients, employees, and business associates connect your product quality or service level. If your brand identity is strong enough, the public will recognize your name, your brand, and your character in the market among your competitors. In short, brand identity is a powerful marketing tool that helps you differentiate your business from that of your competitors. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that successful businesses have taken every opportunity to grow recognition of their brand by placing their brand marks in areas that are publicly visible.

Did you know? The market value of a business is often made up of both tangible assets and brand value.

Brand identity, defined, is the total outward expression of your business – such as your business name and any visual marks  (logo, symbols, slogans, etc). Everything your business does has the potential to impact the brand identity. The leading drivers for positive public perception of brand include your authenticity, product or service differentiation, your level of commitment to your customers and your community, the customer experience, and your ability to stay on message. As such, your brand identity is something to strengthen and build upon. It also helps to reinforce your brand identity with the public by associating it with your name, corporate logo, and brand marks wherever possible.

How to do it? Take a look around the office and identify areas where you could decorate the doors and walls with your company name and logo. If you have an office that is open to clients or customers, you may want to target those “high-visibility” areas first.  

In the end, the marketing activities that resonate best with clients and customers are those founded on a well-developed brand identity, grounded in good public perception, and delivered through a clear and consistent message. If you are confident with your business brand identity and message, and you are looking to strengthen recognition, you may want to begin to work on familiarizing the public with your brand. Obviously, advertising and signage are two of the easiest ways to connect the public with your brand identity.

Wall Decal World offers a wide variety of custom wall decal options for businesses that want an easy-to-implement option for adding their business name or business logo to their office walls. Each decal is made from high quality matte vinyl – in sizes from 12-inch to 60-inch. You can call Wall Decal World at (866) 456-5316 or e-mail us at [email protected] for answers to your custom wall decal questions!

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